Tuesday, December 1, 2009

johnnie cain tattoos

Tattoo ideas - Symbols of Strength

Your symbol of strength is uniquely yours.You wear it because it connects you to someone who gave you inspiration or support when you most needed it. It might remind you of an event or incident that you can pull on to give you strength. While you can choose a tattoo design that literally means "strength", as in Kanji, the important thing is to have a design that gives you strength. You can choose from a number of designs as long as the one you chose has a special meaning and significance to you.

Animal Tattoo Designs

A number of cultures used animal images to give them strength. They admired certain animals for their strength, courage or endurance. By tattooing the animal images on their bodies they hoped to become more like them. Wearing an image of a strong or courageous animal, such as a bear, lion or wolf, would give that person those same qualities. This might apply to you - the person who gives you strength could be represented by an image of a powerful animal, one renowned for its strength and courage.

Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal tattoos can evoke images in the mind of tribal battles for leadership, fighting for survival or dominance, hunting wild animals, braving the elements. Through them we can connect to early ancestors, who had to fight for survival. Whether the tattoos were done as part of a rite of passage, or to denote a position in the tribe or as an animal totem, they were all done crudely which inflicted pain. Just having the tattoo said the wearer was a person of courage because of the pain endured. Indeed, some tattoos were done simply to test a person's ability to endure pain - a test of courage.

Angel or Wing Tattoo Designs

People in the West are a familiar with Guardian Angels and as special messengers from God. Angels are featured in a number of religions and cultures. They are usually represented as creatures with wings. An angel tattoo can remind us of strength as we are protected or inspired by these spiritual creatures. Wing tattoos can also act in the same way. An image of wings can help us feel safe or free - as in flight. How many oppressed people or prisoners or those who have lost freedom have dreamed of flying to freedom. Songs have been written about it.

Maybe there is someone in your life you see as your guardian angel, someone who inspires you, lifts you up. Perhaps it is an event - something you saw or did that makes you spirit take flight. A tattoo design of an angel or a set of wings could bring this to mind, to give you strength.

Cross Tattoos Designs

The cross is an enduring symbol of faith, hope and love. It can be used to remind you to have faith when things turn against you. It can be used to sustain you through tough times. It can be used to give you strength by making a spiritual connection to someone you love.

There are other tattoo designs that can give you strength: the crown, a symbol of authority and leadership; the dragon, with its strength and magical powers; inspirational texts or quotes used by people you love or admire.

The tattoo design you choose to give you strength may be on public display but the feelings it evokes in you are uniquely yours. This is one tattoo that should be done just for you.



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